What a year! Isn’t it crazy how a year can change things for you.
From being on maternity leave and having a 6 month old taking over your life to dreaming of working from home (the anxiety of having to go back to work) to actually stepping up and turning that dream into a part partial reality! I still ended up going back to work but we got the working from home stuff started which was amazing!! From redesigning and launching the website (thank you to my handy husband on single-handedly designing the site and talented brother for the branding everything). We researched our products and the market took some risks and ended up ditching a certain product (pre packed maternity bags) but our teething side just shot up! We couldn’t believe it, we never expected it but we loved every minute of it. The reception we got from everyone was amazing, and it showed that we may just have a chance to survive in this self employed creative world.
From juggling recent trends, creating products, completing orders, creating an online community of writers for the blog and just trying to survive social media (my insta skills have increased tenfold) to also just juggling life. Yes you know it – the kids, the husband, the work, the housework and my sanity. But it has all been worth it. Every minute of it, even though some minutes I just want to hide away and not come out or have a soak in the bath and just let myself fizzle away like the bath bombs (unlikely I know – that bath bomb I bought a month ago is still sitting in the bathroom cupboard laughing at me!) But every time I thought I was drowning in mass piles of laundry or up until crazy o’clock I think of the kids and why we started all this. Why we are putting ourselves through so much. We are trying to reach a dream, a dream where life can be that little bit more efficient. Not to become millionaires overnight and travel the world constantly (yes that would be a bonus!!) but seriously, our journey this year especially after having Mr A has been about being at home with the kids more, being there when they get home from school, taking them out and spending more quality time with them. Having freedom from the corporate world and doing it our way. Staying happy and stress free.
At the end of the day – we only have one life. We only have this one journey to make something of ourselves – turning 30 has taught me this, I’m getting old – no seriously my hair doesn’t even dye any more. But on a more serious note, life can just run away with you until you take control of it. Working for someone else is always an easier choice but that comes with many life restrictions. Breaking out of it (or trying to) gives that sense of freedom and hope. That choice that you are doing something more with yourself, and it may be harder in the long run but you are helping to create your dream and life-your life on your own terms rather than someone else. Unless of course that is your dream then keep at it. This year has shown us as a family that even through difficult times or testing times dreams do come true, just having that patience and knowing your goal will take you places beyond yourself.
So 2017 thank you, thank you for everything you have done for us, and shown us that change is a good thing and dreams can start to take off. 2018 we cannot wait for you! So many big plans are happening and we cannot wait to see where you take us, as a family, as a business, as individuals.
Happy New Year everyone x
From all of us at the Bubble
The post Goodbye 2017 Hello 2018 appeared first on Mummys Bubble.