MBTribe had the privilege to sit down and talk to the Founder of the amazing products known as MotherlyLove. Midwife of 40 years and now owner, Jan took her experience and put it to fantastic use in order to help mums to be throughout their pregnancy, during and after labour as well as newborn babies. Her oils, soaps and pulse points create relaxation and help ease pains during those tiring times during pregnancy and labour.
Name: Jan Bastard
Location: Dereham, Norfolk
Contact: enquiries@motherlylove.co.uk
website: www.motherlylove.co.uk
What inspired you to start Motherlylove?
I worked for many years as a midwife (now retired) and have helped thousands of Mums and Dads have a positive birthing experience, both in the hospital and at home. I obtained a degree, BSc (Hons), Complementary Therapy (Aromatherapy) and on top of my extensive nursing, midwifery, and anaesthetic qualifications has helped me to support thousands of women and babies to make a great start in life. I was instrumental in helping to start a complementary clinic at Queen Mary’s Maternity hospital for pregnant women and postnatally. I realised that the benefits of aromatherapy and massage to relieve the stresses of pregnancy and modern living, would help both expecting mums, babies and all mothers. I have seen huge advantages in encouraging the partner, with guidance, to use aromatherapy and pressure points to reduce the need of pain relief and increase the bonding of the couple, during labour. In 2011, I then decided to take my knowledge to the public by establishing the Motherlylove company with my husband Warwick.
How do you balance work and home life?
Starting a new company demands a lot of input, learning, research, courses, social media etc, and balancing work with home life is difficult. Make time for yourself and you family. Meeting expecting parents and mothers at Baby shows keeps me updated to the needs and worries of future parents and this helps in improving our Motherlylove natural skincare ranges for the modern Mum and Dad.
Describe your typical day from AM to PM.
My day starts at 6am – 7am with organising the posts for social media and then packing orders. 8.30am – 9am I have breakfast. Every day is very varied, which I enjoy. Meetings, stock taking, ordering stock, marketing and writing blogs are only a few things that take up time during the day. Going to 3 day pregnancy & baby events around the country, plus trade shows takes many hours to organise and after the shows to debrief, follow up any leads and improvements for the future. Keeping up with research into aromatherapy, massage and with the fast changes of the internet.
How has this business helped you to grow and achieve your professional goal?
* Listening to people, who have successful businesses
* Knowledge is power and I had to learn new skills.
* Networking and going on courses provided by the local council.
* Time management by using my phone as an alarm.
- Prioritise a work plan for the day and the coming months ahead.
- Developing professional business networks on Linkedin, Google+, Facebook and twitter
* Plan and have a vision for the future.
** Most important – Enjoying my job ***
In the next 2 years where do you see yourself and Motherlylove?
Increasing our International whole sellers. Developing the new Baby range. Increasing the number of the many therapists, who stock and use Motherlylove skincare products, as well as supporting them.
What advice/tips would you give to someone wanting to start their own business?
Make a list of what you want to achieve.
Use the SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats tool. It will help you focus. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_05.htm
Don’t be afraid to get help from people. Every business has its ups and downs. Most county councils have many support programmes for startups. The local university business school often offer mentoring programmes which are free to start with. The UKTI – UK Trade and Industry have regional business managers that will point you in the right direction for all the free courses in your area.
A time plan from start to finish, so you can track your progress
Celebrate milestones and enjoy what you do.
Interview and Copy by Mama
Images by Jan Bastard
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